Call for papers
We invite submissions including but not limited to the following topics:
- Cutting-edge wearable sensory technologies for healthcare robotics.
- Principles of human-centered design in healthcare wearable robotics.
- Integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare wearable robotics.
- Fusion of multi-modal sensing technologies for wearable intelligence and healthcare robots.
- AI-based analysis of human movement.
- AI-based assessment of cognitive states.
- AI-based prediction of human intentions.
- AI-driven approaches in human-robot interaction.
- Personalized adaptive strategies for robotic interventions and assistance.
- Personalized monitoring of wearable devices.
- Monitoring system for intelligent cockpit.
- Tailored adaptive strategies for rehabilitation training.
- Customized strategies for real-time human-robot interaction.
- Data-driven learning approaches to address variations in individuals or subpopulations.
- Adaptive control policies for individual or subpopulation variances.
- Incorporating cognitive science, neuroscience, and genetics to enhance healthcare robotics.
- Ethics, privacy, and safety of wearable intelligence and healthcare robotics
- Emerging AR/VR/MR technologies for wearable intelligence and healthcare robotics
- LLM-based Agents for wearable intelligence and healthcare robotics
- Novel datasets and benchmarks for advancing wearable intelligence and healthcare robotics
- Future and challenges of wearable intelligence for healthcare robotics
Important Dates
Paper submission open: 2024/01/01
Paper submission deadline: 2024/03/25 PST
Notification of acceptance: 2024/03/31
Camera ready: 2024/05/03
Workshop date: 2024/05/14
Submission portal: ICRA 2024 Workshop WIHR (OpenReview).
We expect submissions with 2 - 8 pages for the main content, with no limit on references/appendices. Submissions are suggested to use the IEEE template. All papers will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind manner. We welcome both unpublished original contributions and recently published relevant works. Accepted papers will be presented in the form of posters, with several papers being selected for spotlight sessions. The Best Presentation Award and Best Poster Award will be presented to honor exceptional contributions among the accepted submissions, with a cash prize of 300 US dollors for each award.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: